Skat Club Card Night!
Join us to play the wonderful German card game Skat! We start playing at 6:30 pm at the clubhouse. Long weekends, we play two rounds with a barbeque between the rounds, beginning at 3:30pm. Come on out and have fun.
Scheduled Friday mornings house our Mutter-Kind Gruppe for mothers/fathers and their children aged 0-8. Come, stay and play! See our Facebook Page for exact dates.
Annual Events
We celebrate Frühlingsfest, Sommernachtsfest, Oktoberfest and Weihnachtsfest every year, as well as our annual Christmas Market. Our annual Christmas Market is where you can purchase all of your Christmas shopping and authentic German homemade cookies. We are also excited to offer Laternenfest to our annual calendar of celebrations. Please check the upcoming events on the right often for announcement regarding these events! Posters will become available and placed under the News tab once the event draws nearer.
Membership Meetings
The German-Canadian Club holds meetings specifically for members to update them on upcoming events, old and new business as well as financials. Members are encouraged to attend the meetings to find out the latest goings-on of the club.
Membership meetings are held three times per year. 2023 we saw the meetings in March, September and November (with November's meeting being our Annual General Meeting).
Our next Membership Meeting will be posted here at a later time. Members are strongly encouraged to attend to hear about all the new things happening with the club. The club also provides Brats and we ask members to bring either a potluck salad or dessert. New members are always encouraged!
Upcoming Skat Events
We have an enthusiastic Skat club that meets regularly on Monday evenings to play the wonderful card game Skat. On top of the regular Monday sessions, we also have multiple Skat events, tournaments and wind-up parties. Please see the list below for upcoming Skat Events.
Luck of the Irish Skat Tournament
Skat members are encouraged to sign-up for this Luck of the Irish Skat tournament scheduled for Saturday, March 16th. Registration begins at 10am, with the tournament to begin at 11am. We will be playing multiple rounds with a meal in between. Prizes will also be awarded at the end of the evening.
Christmas Skat Windup - Dec. 7, 2024
Our Christmas Skat Windup will take place on Saturday, December 7, 2024. Doors open at 11:00, the first round will begin at noon. After the second round, around 5:15pm we will have a nice dinner, after which prize awards will follow. Come for one round or two, but definitely come for the meal.
This event is for Red Deer Skat Club members only.
Join us in celebrating events throughout the year. Please see the below upcoming events and call us for ticket reservations!
Bingo Night
Bingo is our most important fundraiser and we have a Bingo night in the Red Deer Bingo Centre once a month, typically on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. For all Bingo dates and if you are able to help out, please call Donna @ 403.343.1744 or Sandy @ 403.986.4242
German Days and Sommernachtsfest - July 6, 2024 10 am to midnight
We have decided to go back to an old tradition of celebrating German Days. This is a public event, where we get together with the larger community and celebrate our culture. Authentic German baking will be a big part. Come on out for coffee and a slice of German goodness, enjoy some games or dance with us under the stars!
Oktoberfest - September 28, 2024
The Club is excited to host our annual Oktoberfest with music, food and dance. Doors are set to open at 5:30 pm and the catered meal will begin at 6:00pm. Dance to follow the meal. Ticket prices are $50 for members, $55 for non-members, youth 13-17 $20 and children under 12 are Free. Contact Donna at 403-343-1744 for tickets.
Laternenfest - November 8, 2024
The Club is excited to celebrate our annual Laternenfest to celebrate Saint Martin's Day during our Mutter Kind Gruppe on Friday, November 8th. Families are invited to make lanterns (all materials provided), parade around the property singing traditional songs,and learn all bout this traditional event. Join us in the family-friendly setting beginning at 9:30am. There will be light snacks provided. Contact Marion at 403-872-4316 to reserve your spot.
Christmas Market - Nov. 3, 2024
The Club is excited to once again host our vendors for the annual Christmas Market. If you did not get your fill of German baking in July, this will be your chance to pick from our large selection of cookies from the Cookie Walk and the loaves that our ladies are baking fresh, while checking out our vendors' offers. If you are a vendor, secure your tables early by connecting with Donna (403-343-1744).
Christmas Party - Dec. 8, 2024
This year's Kids Christmas Party will be held in early December. The Club is looking forward to having Santa visit our Christmas Party again this year (at 3pm). Children will get to sit on Santa's lap before receiving a goodie bag. Christmas treats will be put out following Santa's visit. Come and get in the holiday spirit, you can even learn a German Christmas Carol or two. Contact Donna to confirm number and gender of children to ensure your child receives a Christmas goodie bag from Santa.